It's only a matter of time before former Baylor coach Art Briles is back on a sideline somewhere, and it's possible his next gig could be on the NFL level.

On Wednesday, Briles got a taste of that NFL life, as he served as a guest coach with the Cleveland Browns.'s Mary Kay Cabot reports that Briles was at Browns practice, dressed in Browns clothing and working with the offense. If there was ever an NFL team for Briles to work with, Cleveland has always made the most sense, as Robert Griffin III, Spencer Drango and Corey Coleman are all on the roster.

It's not the first time Briles has worked with the Browns, either, as he helped with the offense during training camp in August.

Briles was fired by Baylor in May following an investigation into alleged sexual assaults that took place on campus, and involved members of the Baylor football program.