This would be the last pitch of the Reds-Rockies game Friday.
This would be the last pitch of the Reds-Rockies game Friday. ( screen-grab)

A back-and-forth game in Coors Field ended in most unlikely fashion Friday night, as Charlie Blackmon scampered home on an errant Ryan Mattheus pitch for the Rockies victory. Yes, it was a walk-off wild pitch (to clarify, the term means the defense is forced to "walk off" the field while the home team celebrates).

Here are the moving pictures:

As noted, this was an exciting affair, albeit between two teams not looking like contenders at this point. The Reds grabbed a 3-0 lead in the top of the fourth, only to have the Rockies get two in the fifth and tie on a Carlos Gonzalez bomb in the sixth.

The Reds then took a 4-3 lead in the eighth, only to have Cargo again homer to tie it. The Rockies would grab another in the eighth for a one-run lead, but then Joey Votto -- who is unbelievably hot right now -- homered in the ninth to tie it up again.

With one out in the ninth, Blackmon bunted for a hit and then stole second. He'd advance to third on a grounder and then score the winning run on the above wild pitch. Billy Hamilton was surely watching on and thinking, "wait, I'm supposed to be the guy who does this type of thing."

Regardless, the Rockies grab a win in a fun game.