Just a couple BFFs stretching it out. (US Presswire)

Not sure about you guys, but my mom used to make me invite over everyone when I had a party as a kid. She's fair like that. And she'd probably be very impressed with Jets quarterback Mark Sanchez, who invited Tim Tebow to his offseason passing camp.

Sanchez holds an annual "Jets West" passing camp in Southern California and according to Manish Mehta of the New York Daily-News, invited Tebow.

"It’s just so important to spend time together as much as possible," third-string quarterback Greg McElroy, attending for the second time, said. "It’s a good opportunity for us to get out of our element and do something social as a group with the benefit of working and great weather. It’s really a good time for us. It’s a lot of football and a lot of fun."

A lot gets made out of the Tebow-Sanchez dynamic, because it's a) the offseason, b) the Jets and c) Tebow. Everyone knew when Tebow was traded to the Jets that it's going to be non-stop media coverage up until Sanchez screwed up in a game and gets yanked for Tebow, creating a legitimate "controversy."

But the reality is that both Tebow and Sanchez are grown adults who understand the off-field dynamic of what it takes to keep the press hounds as at bay as humanly possible. Sanchez can't invite all his teammates to join him in California and not invite Tebow. And Tebow would need a really good excuse to skip the session.

So instead, we've got two teammates going to practice football together in the offseason. Take away the name value and there's not a lot here to freak out about.

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