Brandon BeltAlthough for much of the spring Giants fans have entertained their darkest fears, first baseman Brandon Belt has made the opening-day roster.

Belt certainly has the potential to help what otherwise threatens to be a basement-level Giants offense. He's utterly raked across two minor-league seasons (a batting line of .343/.457/.596 over that span), and, if given the chance, he'll almost certainly out-perform Aubrey Huff.

On that front, it's worth noting that, according to the San Francisco Chronicle, manager Bruce Bochy is inclined to make Belt the primary first baseman, at least to start the season. “He’s been getting most of the playing time," Bochy said of the 23-year-old Belt. "Brandon has had a good spring.”

Huff, meanwhile, appears to be bound for the outfield, where he will be ... defensively problematic.

The real upshot is that the organization, despite its long-standing preference for declining veterans, seems poised to give Belt a real shot. That's good news for the Giants' hopes in 2012.
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