Player Stats - Scoring

Player on team
Games played
Games started
Minutes Per Game
Points Per Game
Field Goals Made
Field Goals Attempted
Field Goal Percentage
Three-Point Field Goals Made
Three-Point Field Goals Attempted
Three-Point Field Goal Percentage
Free Throws Made
Free Throws Attempted
Free Throw Percentage
J. Sellers G Jaylin Sellers G 33 32 32 15.9 173 413 41.9 52 175 29.7 126 152 82.9
D. Johnson G Darius Johnson G 33 32 32.6 15.2 159 391 40.7 71 180 39.4 111 137 81.0
C. Walker F C.J. Walker F 19 15 22.6 7.8 53 133 39.8 9 29 31.0 34 52 65.4
M. Avery F Marchelus Avery F 31 2 17.7 7.6 81 205 39.5 36 105 34.3 38 55 69.1
S. Allen G Shemarri Allen G 31 30 29.3 7.3 80 209 38.3 9 43 20.9 56 91 61.5
I. Diallo F Ibrahima Diallo F 32 19 19 6.3 75 138 54.3 0 0 51 91 56.0
T. Sylla F Thierno Sylla F 32 10 14.8 4.3 48 126 38.1 17 61 27.9 23 35 65.7
A. Jones G Antwann Jones G 24 3 13.3 4.3 40 88 45.5 10 31 32.3 14 26 53.8
O. Payne F Omar Payne F 33 14 15.1 4.2 55 97 56.7 3 12 25.0 25 40 62.5
T. Hendricks G Tyler Hendricks G 14 0 7.6 2.6 12 26 46.2 5 14 35.7 7 8 87.5
N. Machowski G Nils Machowski G 25 0 9.3 2.0 16 49 32.7 9 33 27.3 8 11 72.7
C. Emuobor G Comeh Emuobor G 10 0 5.7 1.9 7 20 35.0 2 6 33.3 3 4 75.0
D. Langford G DeMarr Langford G 23 8 10.5 1.6 14 34 41.2 0 1 0.0 9 18 50.0
M. Mockus G Mintautas Mockus G 8 0 3.8 0.9 3 9 33.3 1 6 16.7 0 1 0.0
M. Kalina G Michael Kalina G 5 0 2 0.6 1 3 33.3 1 1 100.0 0 0
P. Warakulnukroh G Poohpha Warakulnukroh G 6 0 1.8 0.3 0 3 0.0 0 1 0.0 2 2 100.0
C. May G Charlie May G 6 0 1.8 0.0 0 1 0.0 0 0 0 0
Team 33 71.7 817 1945 42.0 225 698 32.2 507 723 70.1
Opponents 33 67.9 741 1800 41.2 242 712 34.0 518 711 72.9

Player Stats - Defense

Player on team
Games played
Games started
Offensive Rebounds
Defensive Rebounds
Total Rebounds
Rebounds Per Game
Total Steals
Steals Per Game
Total Blocks
Blocks Per Game
I. Diallo F Ibrahima Diallo F 32 19 66 113 179 5.6 23 0.70 56 1.80
C. Walker F C.J. Walker F 19 15 18 73 91 4.8 10 0.50 9 0.50
M. Avery F Marchelus Avery F 31 2 46 79 125 4.0 22 0.70 8 0.30
S. Allen G Shemarri Allen G 31 30 32 90 122 3.9 56 1.80 19 0.60
T. Sylla F Thierno Sylla F 32 10 39 85 124 3.9 10 0.30 14 0.40
J. Sellers G Jaylin Sellers G 33 32 46 72 118 3.6 35 1.10 5 0.20
O. Payne F Omar Payne F 33 14 39 78 117 3.5 17 0.50 45 1.40
D. Johnson G Darius Johnson G 33 32 17 93 110 3.3 73 2.20 3 0.10
A. Jones G Antwann Jones G 24 3 10 31 41 1.7 11 0.50 2 0.10
D. Langford G DeMarr Langford G 23 8 16 16 32 1.4 12 0.50 1 0.00
N. Machowski G Nils Machowski G 25 0 10 18 28 1.1 13 0.50 1 0.00
T. Hendricks G Tyler Hendricks G 14 0 5 11 16 1.1 2 0.10 0 0.00
C. Emuobor G Comeh Emuobor G 10 0 1 8 9 0.9 1 0.10 0 0.00
M. Mockus G Mintautas Mockus G 8 0 1 5 6 0.8 1 0.10 0 0.00
C. May G Charlie May G 6 0 0 3 3 0.5 1 0.20 0 0.00
P. Warakulnukroh G Poohpha Warakulnukroh G 6 0 0 1 1 0.2 0 0.00 1 0.20
M. Kalina G Michael Kalina G 5 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.00 1 0.20
Team 33 408 835 1364 41.3 287 8.70 165 5.00
Opponents 33 308 832 1263 38.3 224 6.80 113 3.40

Player Stats - Assists/Turnovers

Player on team
Games played
Games started
Total Assists
Assists Per Game
Turnovers Per Game
Assists Per Turnover
D. Johnson G Darius Johnson G 33 32 123 3.7 92 2.8 1.3
S. Allen G Shemarri Allen G 31 30 82 2.6 54 1.7 1.5
I. Diallo F Ibrahima Diallo F 32 19 13 0.4 42 1.3 0.3
J. Sellers G Jaylin Sellers G 33 32 36 1.1 42 1.3 0.9
C. Walker F C.J. Walker F 19 15 10 0.5 23 1.2 0.4
O. Payne F Omar Payne F 33 14 17 0.5 34 1.0 0.5
M. Avery F Marchelus Avery F 31 2 23 0.7 22 0.7 1.0
A. Jones G Antwann Jones G 24 3 27 1.1 17 0.7 1.6
D. Langford G DeMarr Langford G 23 8 10 0.4 16 0.7 0.6
T. Sylla F Thierno Sylla F 32 10 8 0.3 21 0.7 0.4
T. Hendricks G Tyler Hendricks G 14 0 2 0.1 7 0.5 0.3
N. Machowski G Nils Machowski G 25 0 20 0.8 10 0.4 2.0
M. Kalina G Michael Kalina G 5 0 0 0.0 2 0.4 0.0
M. Mockus G Mintautas Mockus G 8 0 1 0.1 2 0.3 0.5
C. May G Charlie May G 6 0 0 0.0 1 0.2 0.0
C. Emuobor G Comeh Emuobor G 10 0 1 0.1 1 0.1 1.0
P. Warakulnukroh G Poohpha Warakulnukroh G 6 0 2 0.3 0 0.0
Team 33 375 11.4 413 12.5 0.9
Opponents 33 427 12.9 469 14.2 0.9
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