Player Stats - Scoring

Player on team
Games played
Games started
Minutes Per Game
Points Per Game
Field Goals Made
Field Goals Attempted
Field Goal Percentage
Three-Point Field Goals Made
Three-Point Field Goals Attempted
Three-Point Field Goal Percentage
Free Throws Made
Free Throws Attempted
Free Throw Percentage
N. McDavid G Noah McDavid G 9 0 3.3 1.2 4 7 57.1 2 5 40.0 1 2 50.0
Z. Butler G Zane Butler G 28 0 7.8 3.1 25 59 42.4 18 43 41.9 20 23 87.0
L. Laku F Lado Laku F 29 5 7.9 2.2 25 38 65.8 0 0 15 20 75.0
L. Hardnett F LaQuill Hardnett F 13 0 8.8 2.3 12 22 54.5 2 4 50.0 4 8 50.0
J. Lual G Julian Lual G 32 0 12.6 4.5 54 132 40.9 31 90 34.4 4 6 66.7
T. Ford Jr. G Terrance Ford Jr. G 2 1 15.5 4.5 1 12 8.3 1 9 11.1 6 7 85.7
A. Felts G Avery Felts G 37 19 20.9 5.9 73 191 38.2 62 168 36.9 11 16 68.8
I. Nelson F Izaiyah Nelson F 37 31 22.5 9.8 143 227 63.0 5 20 25.0 73 112 65.2
D. Dominguez F Dyondre Dominguez F 37 23 25.2 10.3 129 304 42.4 60 177 33.9 62 82 75.6
F. Hicks G Freddy Hicks G 28 23 25.5 11.9 108 257 42.0 17 67 25.4 99 135 73.3
T. Todd G Taryn Todd G 37 19 25.8 12.8 180 429 42.0 49 145 33.8 64 89 71.9
D. Ford G Derrian Ford G 36 31 29.3 10.4 129 314 41.1 64 170 37.6 53 71 74.6
C. Fields G Caleb Fields G 35 33 32.3 12.2 138 321 43.0 30 93 32.3 122 190 64.2
Team 37 78.8 1021 2313 44.1 341 991 34.4 534 761 70.2
Opponents 37 77.0 1023 2234 45.8 212 602 35.2 592 778 76.1

Player Stats - Defense

Player on team
Games played
Games started
Offensive Rebounds
Defensive Rebounds
Total Rebounds
Rebounds Per Game
Total Steals
Steals Per Game
Total Blocks
Blocks Per Game
I. Nelson F Izaiyah Nelson F 37 31 109 174 283 7.6 23 0.60 73 2.00
D. Dominguez F Dyondre Dominguez F 37 23 54 159 213 5.8 25 0.70 19 0.50
F. Hicks G Freddy Hicks G 28 23 64 87 151 5.4 22 0.80 16 0.60
D. Ford G Derrian Ford G 36 31 55 102 157 4.4 21 0.60 1 0.00
T. Todd G Taryn Todd G 37 19 11 114 125 3.4 37 1.00 17 0.50
C. Fields G Caleb Fields G 35 33 22 83 105 3.0 27 0.80 1 0.00
L. Laku F Lado Laku F 29 5 34 39 73 2.5 2 0.10 15 0.50
L. Hardnett F LaQuill Hardnett F 13 0 16 16 32 2.5 3 0.20 5 0.40
T. Ford Jr. G Terrance Ford Jr. G 2 1 0 5 5 2.5 0 0.00 0 0.00
J. Lual G Julian Lual G 32 0 22 48 70 2.2 15 0.50 8 0.30
A. Felts G Avery Felts G 37 19 25 51 76 2.1 26 0.70 5 0.10
Z. Butler G Zane Butler G 28 0 5 10 15 0.5 5 0.20 3 0.10
N. McDavid G Noah McDavid G 9 0 1 3 4 0.4 1 0.10 0 0.00
Team 37 489 930 1529 41.3 207 5.60 163 4.40
Opponents 37 377 927 1428 38.6 258 7.00 157 4.20

Player Stats - Assists/Turnovers

Player on team
Games played
Games started
Total Assists
Assists Per Game
Turnovers Per Game
Assists Per Turnover
C. Fields G Caleb Fields G 35 33 202 5.8 82 2.3 2.5
T. Ford Jr. G Terrance Ford Jr. G 2 1 5 2.5 2 1.0 2.5
T. Todd G Taryn Todd G 37 19 90 2.4 70 1.9 1.3
F. Hicks G Freddy Hicks G 28 23 58 2.1 56 2.0 1.0
D. Ford G Derrian Ford G 36 31 53 1.5 37 1.0 1.4
D. Dominguez F Dyondre Dominguez F 37 23 57 1.5 58 1.6 1.0
A. Felts G Avery Felts G 37 19 32 0.9 9 0.2 3.6
J. Lual G Julian Lual G 32 0 17 0.5 17 0.5 1.0
I. Nelson F Izaiyah Nelson F 37 31 13 0.4 42 1.1 0.3
Z. Butler G Zane Butler G 28 0 8 0.3 10 0.4 0.8
N. McDavid G Noah McDavid G 9 0 0 0.0 1 0.1 0.0
L. Laku F Lado Laku F 29 5 1 0.0 7 0.2 0.1
L. Hardnett F LaQuill Hardnett F 13 0 0 0.0 3 0.2 0.0
Team 37 536 14.5 414 11.2 1.3
Opponents 37 414 11.2 369 10.0 1.1
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