Moments after a controversial call by replacement referees had literally ripped the win from the Packers grasp and handed it to WR Golden Tate and the Seahawks, a television camera found the face of coach Mike McCarthy.

His brow wasn't furrowed, his temples not throbbing. He wasn’t screaming. He stood stoic, somber, resigned to the result. Then, he put his head down and led his team off the field in symbolic protest. But 10 minutes later, with a meaningless extra point still formally needing to be kicked, he emerged from the tunnel and sent out a defense to wait for the Seahawks to drive the last, unnecessary nail in the coffin.

"Most unusual football game I think I've been a part of,” McCarthy said. “I know it's been a wild weekend in the NFL and I guess we're part of it now."

McCarthy’s response contrasted sharply with the incredulous, shrieking reactions of other coaches around the league regarding the replacement refs. Several have been fined for their behavior. McCarthy made sure to stay calm, cool and collected, at least on the outside. He preempted all questions about the officiating by saying he wasn’t going to talk about it and wanted to “cut to the chase.”

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He said he’d never seen anything like the final play, when it appeared that a Seahawks Hail Mary pass into the end zone was intercepted by S M.D. Jennings, though officials ruled Tate had possession for a touchdown. Besides that last play, there were several questionable officiating calls, which has become the league norm after three weeks with replacements. 

"Very hard to swallow," McCarthy said.

Diplomatic responses: The general attitude at the press-conference podium and in the visiting locker room Monday night was subdued and despondent. Whether weary of the issue or wary of league fines for criticizing the scabs, players were classy and professional.

QB Aaron Rodgers called the whole debacle “awful,” especially given the play was reviewed, but added “that’s all I’m going to say about it.” He was curt in his responses and said the disappointing ending didn’t make the flight any longer because “it’s long already.”

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DT Ryan Pickett called it “the toughest regular-season loss I’ve ever had because I feel like it was taken from us.” 

CB Sam Shields, who was pushed from behind in what the NFL on Tuesday stated should’ve been called an offensive pass interference penalty, was submissive. “[Tate] did [shove me]. But the refs came up with their decision, and there’s nothing I can do about that.”

Tactful, too, was 35-year-old CB Charles Woodson, a 15-year veteran of the league who played for the Raiders in the infamous “Tuck Rule” game against the Patriots in the 2001 AFC Playoffs. “I didn’t see the catch,” he said. “I guess the guy came down with it, and the game’s over.”

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Twitter all the rage: Several players weren’t as delicate online, lashing out at the NFL, the Seahawks and the refs on Twitter. LG T.J. Lang was particularly irate, firing off a series of combustible quotes.

“Got [expletive] by the refs ... Embarrassing. Thanks nfl” and then “[expletive] it NFL.. Fine me and use the money to pay the regular refs.” And finally, “Any player/coach in Seattle that really thinks they won that game has zero integrity as a man and should be embarrassed.”

Outspoken TE Jermichael Finley tweeted, “Come on @NFL this [expletive] is getting out of Control. [Cost] us a DAMN game. Horrible!” Finley sent another, saying, “@NFL Cheap ass hell!! Get us some NFL REFS! Not PEE WEE league refs! But it's all Abt the Saints!”

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RG Josh Sitton wrote, “The nfl needs to come to gb and apologize to us for [expletive] us! These refs r bums!” He later added, “That was [expletive]. This is getting ridiculous! The NFL needs to get the refs back bfr we strike and they make no money!”

Sitton also took issue with the Seahawks, tweeting, “Golden tate is full of (expletive) too. Saying he clearly caught that is embarrassing! (expletive) jokers!”

Follow Packers reporter James Carlton on Twitter: @CBSPackers and @jimmycarlton88.

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