New England Patriots linebacker Matt Judon shared his latest wallet mishap on Monday when he found himself on the shoulder of a Massachusetts highway trying to locate his Louis Vuitton pouch. Turns out this was not the first time -- and probably won't be the last -- that Judon misplaces it.

In an interview this summer, the Patriots star admitted this happens a little too often, but he has learned how to handle the situation. The Patriots social media account shared that clip this week to refresh everyone's memory.

"I have to have a chain because I lose my wallet, so I got the AirTag connected to my wallet," Judon said. "So I got like a little Louis clutch thing. They'll be like, 'That's for girls.' I'll be like, 'Don't care.' I haven't lost it in seven years. I lose it all the time, but I track it." 

Losing your wallet is never a good feeling, but Judon's most recent incident might not have been completely his fault. Judon explained that someone left his wallet on the roof of a car and drove off, which is why he ended up walking along the busy highway.

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"Good old AirTag saved me," Judon said.