An irate woman showed up at the Seattle Seahawks' practice facility on Monday to let several players on the team know that she's not OK with the fact that they've been protesting during the national anthem. 

For the past two seasons, multiple players around the NFL, including multiple Seahawks players, have been kneeling during the anthem as way to protest racial injustice and police brutality against minorities. 

Apparently, one woman got so upset with the protests that she decided to drive to the team's facility so she could give everyone a piece of her mind. Of course, not everyone was at the facility on Monday, so she ended up yelling at the first two players she saw: cornerback Neiko Thorpe and defensive back Mike Tyson. 

Thorpe filmed the entire incident as the woman yelled at him from her truck. 

"Get up and be a man," the woman can be heard saying in the video. "You got to get off your little f------ knees and represent the country that made you what you are."

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Clearly, the national anthem issue is still a sensitive topic in Seattle. After being berated by the lady, one of the players asked for her name, but she was in no mood to respond. 

"I'm not telling you my f------ name," she says. "What's your name?"

After Tyson said his name was "big Mike," the woman said that she actually didn't care what his name was. 

"F--- off. I don't care who you are," the woman said. "All I care about is the fact that my tax dollars pay for you to play, and go f------ play and get off your f------ knees."

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The two players were probably a little weirded out by the woman and that's mainly because they didn't kneel this year. As a matter of fact, Tyson didn't even suit up for a game and was only on the team's roster for the final three weeks of the 2017 season after being promoted from the practice squad

Although Thorpe did play in 14 games last season, he didn't kneel for the national anthem during any of those. One of the few Seahawks players who did kneel for the anthem in 2017, Michael Bennett, was traded to Eagles last week. 

Anyway, if you want to see the vulgar video, which features numerous curse words, you can check it out on Twitter by clicking here

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