No way this crew is better than the Jets or Raiders, right? Right?! (USATSI)
It happens every August: Some 700 players are released as the 32 NFL teams whittle down their rosters to the final 53. Invariably, there are surprises and 2013 is no different.

To that end, we've put together the best players currently out of work (though many of them will find jobs in the coming days and weeks), a group that almost certainly would finish ahead hapless outfits like the Raiders and Jets.

Okay, that's probably overstating it, although you can judge for yourself below.

All right, let's get to this: Your 2013 'You Just Got Cut' All-Stars:


QB: John Skelton, David Carr, Vince Young, Tim Tebow
RB: John Connor (FB), Jonathan Dwyer, Lance Ball, Alex Green
WR: Robert Meachem, Austin Collie, Mike Thomas, Mohamed Massaquoi
TE: Jake Ballard, Clay Harbor, D.J. Williams
OL: Max Starks (LT), Ryan Lilja (LG), Fernando Velasco (C), Danny Watkins (RG), Tony Pashos (RT), J'Marcus Webb (RT)

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DE: Jermaine Cunningham, Dontay Moch
DT: Marvin Austin, Antonio Garay, Sione Fua
OLB: Bryan Scott, Marshall McFadden
ILB: Brian Banks, Stevenson Sylvester
CB: Marcus Trufant, Chase Minnifield, Ron Bartell, Drayton Florence
S: Amari Spievey, Jim Leonhard

Special Teams

K: Dan Carpenter
P: Zoltan Mesko
KR: Reggie Dunn
PR: Chad Hall

So is there any chance this team wouldn't finish with the league's worst record? Probably not. Then again, we wouldn't put anything past Rex Ryan. 

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* You can see the complete list of players to get released Saturday right here.