It was really only a matter of time before this happened.

Zaza Pachulia is the latest player to get warned by the league for flopping.

The play happened in a Dec. 7 Atlanta Hawks game against the Wizards. Kevin Seraphin grabbed a rebound, swung his elbows up, and Pachulia acted as if Seraphin made contact with his chin. Classic flop tactic.

The official wasn't fooled in real time, either, as he didn't call a foul.

Pachulia joins Chauncey Billups, Kevin Martin, Patrick Patterson, J.J. Barea, Omer Asik and Donald Sloan as players warned for flopping. Reggie Evans and Gerald Wallace are the only two players who have incurred fines.

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This is Pachulia's first warning, meaning there's no penalty. His next violation will result in a $5,000 fine.