Varejao could be involved in Howard trade talks. (Getty Images)

Seems like every time there's a conversation about a three-way trade for Dwight Howard, the Cavaliers' name comes up. First it was the Cavs being discussed as a partner in the Nets' ill-fated mess of a trade proposal that flamed out a week and a half ago. Now the Cavaliers have entered discussions as potentially helping the Lakers land Howard, with their bevy of assets. The talks are in their infant stages, but it's still worth noting what's being bandied about.


One source familiar with the talks, though, cautioned to not make too much of that shift just yet.

The Cavaliers would land Lakers center Andrew Bynum for a package of draft picks and veteran power forward Anderson Varejao, according to one league source. The Lakers would receive Howard for Bynum. Orlando would get Varejao and draft picks. The source said this was merely the framework of a deal being discussed.

via Sources -- Cleveland Cavaliers can be trade partner in potential Dwight Howard deal - ESPN Chicago.

It's a very nice fit if the talks progess. The Cavaliers want a star to pair with Kyrie Irving, and Bynum gives them that. He and Irving would make for a devastating pair. The Cavaliers have young talent like Tristan Thompson and Dion Waiters to send to Orlando, as well as additional picks acquired in trades. Varejao would give the Magic a quality center to start over with, and a good veteran with a manageable deal. It would also provide salary room to send out either Hedo Turkoglu or Jason Richardson. The Lakers reportedly will not take on Turkoglu's deal but are open to Richardson's. It's unlikely that Cleveland would be receptive to taking on Turkoglu's deal, but for a chance at Bynum, and with their cap space, it's not a dead-set no at this point. 

Either way, the Cavaliers are getting involved at all angles to try and work their way into improving their team using the inevitable Dwight Howard trade.