Fifteen scouts -- one of them Boston's top scout, Gary Hughes, according to ESPN's Jim Bowden -- are at Josh Johnson's start Sunday afternoon in Miami, wrote ESPN's Jayson Stark. Six teams are talking to the Marlins about trading for Johnson. 

  • The Rangers, Dodgers, Orioles, Blue Jays, Red Sox, and Braves are in on Johnson, according to Stark, yet all have expressed concern of Johnson's health, durability, and dip in velocity (from 95 MPH to 93 MPH).
  • The Marlins have told the Rangers not to bother if they're not willing to send third baseman prospect Mike Olt to Miami. 
  • The Phillies' chances of making the playoffs are almost nothing -- 0.3 percent -- and if they decide to sell, they can move Shane Victorino, Juan Pierre, Joe Blanton, and Ty Wigginton in a matter of hours. 
  • Stark linked Victorino to the Dodgers, Reds, Giants, or Pirates; Pierre to the Reds; Blanton to the Orioles; and Wigginton the Yankees.
  • Hunter Pence is more likely to be moved in the offseason, Stark noted.
  • There's also a possibility the Phillies keep the aforementioned players until August and try to trade them after the non-waiver trade deadline, giving the Phillies more time to assess all their options, even though it looks like their playoff hopes are shot.
  • Speaking of which,'s Jon Heyman has put together a list of 30 players who could be traded after July 31. 
  • Baltimore considered third baseman Chris Johnson, who's been dealt to Arizona, and continue to look for starting pitchers. Stark mentioned Jason Vargas, Joe Blanton, and Joe Saunders on the Orioles' shopping list.
  • The Braves, who tried valiantly to acquire Ryan Dempster, have shifted their focus completely to adding to their bullpen.
  • The Giants and Royals have reportedly talked about a deal that would send Jonathan Broxton and Jeff Francoeur to San Francisco, but the Giants want a more high-impact outfielder than Francoeur. 
  • The Reds want an outfielder who can bat atop their lineup, and they've checked in on Denard Span and Emilio Bonifacio, in addition to Victorino and Pierre in Philadelphia.
  • The Cardinals have put in feelers on Josh Johnson and James Shields, but are more focused on acquiring bullpen help.
  • About Shields, Tampa is in no hurry to move him. 
  • The Yankees may not be done dealing with the Mariners, as Stark wrote that they could be interested in adding slick-fielding Brendan Ryan
  • Teams interested in bullpen help are waiting for prices to come down, especially for such guys as Seattle's Brandon League. The Giants, Dodgers, Braves, and Angels are all interested in League, according to Stark.
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