The end of the Kansas City-Denver game on Sunday night came down to a field goal that was so dramatic that Chiefs' holder actually thought the kick missed.

Based on several pictures from the end of the game, it appears that Dustin Colquitt was the last person on the field to find out about Kansas City's 30-27 overtime win.

The drama started with just five seconds left in the game when Chiefs' long snapper James Winchester sent a perfect snap back to Colquitt, who laid down a perfect hold for kicker Cairo Santos.

That's when this happened.

That kick will likely go down as the most dramatic 34-yard field goal attempt in NFL history.

Of course, it was probably more traumatic then dramatic for Colquitt because he thought the kick missed. The Chiefs' holder was on the ground, so he wasn't able to see that the refs called the kick good.

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Here's a look at the confusion that was going on after the kick.

It wasn't just Colquitt who was confused about the kick. Everyone looked a little unsure.

As you can see, no one seems too sure if the kick actually went in. Colquitt wasn't the only one who was confused, so was Santos. Even the Chief's kicker wasn't sure what happened at first.

After the game, Santos sent out the perfect tweet to Colquitt that managed to perfectly sum up all of the chaos that went down in the final five seconds of the game.

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By the way, there's a reason everyone was so confused after the kick, and that's because the field goal almost defied all laws of physics.