John Elway is stoked about the way that running back Knowshon Moreno has been playing in Denver ever since the Broncos lost Willis McGahee and started feeding the first-round pick. Fantasy owners don't mind it, either. And everyone loved the way that Moreno handled Ed Reed in the open field on Sunday.

The former Georgia standout broke through a gaping hole in the line, made a small cut, saw Reed directly in front of him and then got his Jackie Joyner-Kersee on own, straight-up hurdling the Ravens' safety.

But wait -- it gets even better. When you watch the GIF from the beautifully-done CBS slow-mo angle, you see that Moreno hurdled Reed and Reed got scared -- you can see Reed shy away from trying to take out Moreno on the hit and duck away from contact.

None of that takes anything away from the filthy-sick athletic move that Moreno put on when he went over Reed, even if Mike McCoy did the jerk-y thing and gave Jacob Hester the ball on the one-yard line instead of rewarding his new bellcow back.

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