At this stage in his career, Jamal Crawford is unlikely to dunk on a rookie to welcome him to the NBA. Crawford is a much more terrestrial kind of host. Crawford just treated his opponent like Liam Neeson treated the kidnappers in the movie Taken.

It's unlikely Crawford knows whom Spurs rookie Nando De Colo is. He doesn't know what he wants. If De Colo is looking for a ransom, Crawford is going to tell him he doesn't have any money. But what he has is a very particular set of skills; skills he has acquired over a very long career of going off of natural talent and rarely working on his game in the offseason. Skills that make him a nightmare for rookie defenders like De Colo.

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If De Colo lets him shoot a jumper, that'll be the end of it. He won't look for an opening. He won't embarrass him. But if De Colo doesn't, he will look for the opening, and he will find it. And he will nutmeg the rookie.