Fisher won't be fist-bumping Kobe any time soon. (Getty Images)

Yahoo Sports reports that the Lakers have no interest in moving a roster spot to make way for a return of free agent Derek Fisher, or any other free agent (including Kenyon Martin).

Fisher was released by the Mavericks this month after he suffered a strained right patellar tendon. Fisher cited a need to spend time with his family as the reason he requested his release. 

But with the Lakers on a five-game winning streak, the team wants to get some stability for the first time this season with the roster assembled. However, once it gets later in the season, don't be surprised if Fisher winds back up with the team he spent most of his career with, alongside friend Kobe Bryant. 

The Lakers are still thin at point guard with Steve Blake out, but, when he returns, they're going to have adequate depth. Fisher would only be brought back if the Lakers didn't think they needed so much depth on the wing with Earl Clark or down low with Robert Sacre. Fisher in Mike D'Antoni's offense is ... interesting. It's not a bad fit or a good fit on first thought, it's just a little bit different. Fisher's ability to hit the transition 3 would fit well, and his willingness to shoot would meld nicely. But his ability to stay on the floor defensively has been sliding over the last few seasons. 

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Just don't rule out a reunion until the season's over. Too much history to ignore.