Andrew Bynum looks to return Wednesday against the Clippers. (Getty Images)

Andrew Bynum left Sunday's game against Golden State with an ankle tweak and missed the Lakers' Tuesday night squeaker over the Nets. But as reported by the Orange County Register, Bynum is likely back for Wednesday night's huge game against the Clippers. 

Asked as he was leaving the Lakers’ locker room late Tuesday night if he will play Wednesday night vs. the Clippers, Andrew Bynum said: “I’m gonna try.”

via Andrew Bynum will ‘try’ to play vs. Clippers - Lakers blog : The Orange County Register.

Meanwhile, after reports surfaced Tuesday of multiple fines for Bynum in regards to team rule violations, Mike Brown told the Register that the conflicts haven't been a big deal and it's just the media trying to turn it into a story. Again, from the Register

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“I don’t have a problem with Bynum,” Brown said while fielding a series of questions about Bynum and a perceived lack of professionalism.


Asked if Bynum is respectful to him, Brown said: “Yes.”

Brown refused to criticize Bynum, saying there are always internal issues on teams that get worked out: “Stuff happens.”

via Mike Brown: ‘I don’t have a problem with Bynum’ - Lakers blog : The Orange County Register.

Stuff does happen. But it happens a lot with Bynum, and typically in situations with guys being a repeat issue, steps are taken to eliminate the issue, not just address it. After Bynum was benched earlier this month for shooting a three and not efforting on defense, then publicly responded by saying he would still be shooting threes, then said he doesn't participate in huddles, there's a clear pattern here. 

Andrew Bynum doesn't have to like his coach, but he needs to respect him, or the team's not going to go very far. The Lakers are used to a higher-than-normal level of drama. But they're also not invulnerable to it. This team has the ability to go deep, deep into the playoffs, and throughout all this nonsense, they've been winning. But if this situation continues to escalate, it means more instability for a team that's been on shakey ground all season.