DUNEDIN, Fla. -- Nick Swisher, the perpetually upbeat Yankees outfielder who loves the big stage, gave a two-word answer to the question of how he was approaching this season: "With awesomeness,'' Swisher said.

Swisher, a man who doesn't mind the spotlight and is a free agent after the year for the first time, added, "It's an uncharted year for me. I never had an arbitration year. I never had a contract year. So I'm just going to keep doing it the way I always have here. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.''

Swisher said last year was more stressful with the $10.5-million club option hanging over him, presumably because that was the team's choice. Now it's all up to him.

"If I could snap my fingers and stay here I'd be here the rest of my career,'' Swisher said. '"But you never know what's going to happen. I'm just going to go out and do the best I can, and at the end of the year, say, 'Hey man, let's all get together and talk about it.'''

Swisher is is beloved by manager Joe Girardi and GM Brian Cashman. But like most free agents to be, he might have noticed some of the high contracts given to outfielders in recent years. The Yankees have vowed to get their payroll below $189 million in 2014, so unless he takes a one-year deal to stay (unlikely), it might be a long shot. Swisher had 23 home runs, 85 RBIs and a .260 batting average last year. He also had 95 walks, and advanced fielding metrics suggest he is an above average outfielder.

Swisher was precatically made for New York (though he hasn't always been at his best in October) and also this team, which has many other much bigger names. "I love it,'' he said. "It's been such a blessing for me coming over here. It's been such a resurrection after Chicago.''

When it was suggested to him that Chicago was "too small'' for him (OK, I baited him), Swisher, 31, said, "No, it just wasn't the place for me. Me and management, we just didn't get along. I couldn't take anything away from Chicago. The Sox just wasn't my (thing). Whether it was a lack of preparation on my part or other things, sometimes you've just got to wear it.''

As for the pinstripes, well, he's enjoyed wearing them. But it may well be his last year for that.

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