Second baseman Robert Andino is off to a nifty start this season, but, at last check, he remains a Baltimore Oriole. And as Andino's timeline of headshots proves, nothing creates a metastatic existential crisis quite like the awareness that one is a Baltimore Oriole ...

In 2010, we see on Andino's face what can be described only as a puckish buoyance. In 2011, however, that puckish buoyance has been reduced to a visibly determined contentment. And in 2012 we see before us a man who has glimpsed the yawning, inevitable abyss.  

While we cannot verify the presence in the Oriole clubhouse of a plaque that reads "Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here," Mr. Andino and his Job-like burdens cry the very same cry.

Pity this man.

(HT: Buzzfeed)

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