The Twins have shown interest in bringing back pitcher Francisco Liriano, according to La Velle Neal of the Star Tribune

The two sides have had conversations about Liriano returning to the team and plan to meet during the winter meetings. Twins general manager Terry Ryan would not comment but acknowledged that starting pitching was a main focus. 

After spending six-and-a-half seasons with the Twins, Liriano was traded to the White Sox in July. He finished the season with a 5.34 ERA and a 4.34 FIP in 156 2/3 innings pitched. 

The team’s rotation is far from set, with Scott Diamond being the only player guaranteed a spot. Prospect Kyle Gibson is being considered for a role but is also coming off Tommy John surgery. The Twins are in desperate need of pitching and could feel comfortable going with the devil they know in Liriano. 

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Liriano shares an agent with Joe Saunders, another pitcher the team could be interested in signing. In 174 2/3 innings, Saunders had a 4.07 ERA and a 4.08 FIP with the Diamondbacks and Orioles. 

Neal mentions that the team also is interested in Brett Myers, who would likely be converted back into a starter if he joined the club. He spent last season as a reliever with the Astros and White Sox. The club also will entertain dealing center fielder Denard Span for “the best starting pitcher they can get.”

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