The 2014 Major League season could begin in Australia, according to a report from the Daily Telegraph in Australia.

The Sydney Cricket Ground could be transformed into a baseball stadium for the 2014 season, according to the report. The newspaper writes that, "All that remains for approval is a little nod from the NSW governemnt, which is deciding whether to throw an extra couple of million into a Major League game that would bring untold attention to Australia, or to throw the money at some anonymous stage play that will reach an audience you could lose inside Cate Blanchett's summer home."

The Mariners and A's started the 2012 season in Japan, the fourth time the season has begun in Japan. Regular-season games have also been held in Mexico and Puerto Rico.

Commissioner Bud Selig said earlier this year that his "dream" was to have regular-season games in Europe under his leadership.

While Australia isn't exactly a baseball hotbed, it is played there and there are several Australians in the big leagues, including the A's Grant Balfour and the Twins' Liam Hendricks.

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