ran a poll to see who fellow players believe is the most overrated pitcher in baseball. They asked 227 players and the "winner" is C.J. Wilson of the Angels. A.J. Burnett of the Pirates checks in at No. 2.

And the latter just goes to show how subjective a term like "overrated" is. In order to be overrated, don't a large amount of people have to think the pitcher in question is really good? Do that many people still think Burnett is awesome?

Really, I think all exercises like this do is show that players don't really pay much daily attention to media and fan commentary -- as well they shouldn't. They have better things to do. But then, instead of "overrated," the lists tend become populated with some "guys who used to be good and aren't anymore" or "overpaid pitchers."

Regardless, it's still interesting to see how the players polled voted and it feels like there are a few deserving picks for 2012. Here is the list, again, via

1. C.J. Wilson, Angels
2. A.J. Burnett, Pirates
3. Josh Beckett, Red Sox
4. John Lackey, Red Sox
5. Jonathan Papelbon, Phillies
6. Tim Lincecum, Giants
7. Barry Zito, Giants
8. Ubaldo Jimenez, Indians
9. Stephen Strasburg, Nationals
10. Joba Chamberlain, Yankees
11. Cliff Lee, Phillies
12. Carlos Zambrano, Marlins
13. Roy Halladay, Phillies
14. Aroldis Chapman, Reds
15. Cole Hamels, Phillies
16. Zack Greinke, Brewers

Lackey, Jimenez and Zito being on the list seem to back up my above assertion. I don't think there are any fans or media who actually pay attention to baseball that believe any of these three is anything close to an ace-caliber pitcher at this point. And Joba? Seriously?

But, again, this is only for our entertainment. Argue away.

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