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Mets" data-canon="New York Mets" data-type="SPORTS_OBJECT_TEAM" id="shortcode0"> starter Jonathon Niese will use his All-Star break to undergo a "minor" heart surgery, he told reporters on Monday.

Niese left Sunday's game after six innings because of a rapid heartbeat, but an examination on Monday showed no significant heart issue. He said he will most likely have surgery next month.

"But I wouldn't miss any starts," Niese told reporters, including Adam Rubin of ESPNNewYork.com. "It's an 'abiation,' they call it. They go inside the heart and they crimp something of some sort -- like the cause of it. It's like an outpatient thing that they do that it only takes like three days to recover after that. So that's why I think we might be doing it [during the] All-Star break. That way I don't miss any starts."

Niese suffered a similar scare last season in Texas and underwent testing at that point that showed no serious problems.