Are Kevin Youkilis and Joba Chamberlain still at odds? (Getty Images)

You'll recall that Yankees reliever Joba Chamberlain had a history of buzzing Kevin Youkilis at the plate during Youk's Red Sox days. That minifeud was the subject of much reflection when Youkilis opted to sign a free-agent contract with the Yankees.

Surely, though, these two professional gentlemen would put past grievances behind them, right? Well, as the New York Post reports, relations between the two have not yet thawed. Dan Martin writes:

"I left him [Youkilis] a voicemail," said Chamberlain, who was then asked if his old nemesis had returned the call. "No, he did not call me back."


"I did everything I could and I can’t control what Kevin Youkilis does," said Chamberlain, who was being honored at the B.A.T. Foundation dinner at the Marriott Marquis in Midtown Tuesday night. "Am I surprised [he didn’t return the call]? Not really. I’m bound to run into him at some point — sooner, rather than later, I’m assuming. We’ll see what happens."

As the Post points out, Youkilis, upon signing with the Yankees, said that his past problems with Chamberlain weren't a factor. And that's probably going to wind up being the case.

At the end of the day, this story would have a lot more potential if a reanimated Billy Martin were managing the Yankees and imparting to them his fondness for low-grade civil war.

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