Blue Jays outfielder Moises Sierra made his major-league debut Tuesday night in Seattle. After picking up the first hit of his major-league career and before scoring his first big-league run, he missed a rather obvious sign from his third-base coach. Observe (GIF created by SB Nation):

The missed stop sign was preceeded by Sierra stumbling a bit. Third base coach Brian Butterfield weighed in, via

"Young people coming to the big-leagues are amped up, especially for their first couple of games," said Butterfield, who expects to chat with Sierra about the play Wednesday. "When you see someone drowning, you throw them a life raft, or you see somebody stumbling, you go out and try to catch them.

"He was stumbling for quite a while so you don't know if he's going to start it up quick enough so you don't take any chances because you're trailing, so my hands went up. … We have a lot of guys who are still works in progress and I'm sure he's one of them."

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