Jon Lester says he keeps a rosin bag in his glove between starts, hence the 'giant booger' near the thumb. (USATSI)

BOSTON -- The odd green substance in his glove may look like "a giant booger" in the Zapruder-like snapshots from Game 1 videos, Red Sox pitcher Jon Lester said Thursday, but it was pure rosin. And nothing more.

"I didn't do anything," Lester said, addressing a sizable group of reporters near the Red Sox dugout during batting practice before Game 2 of the World Series. "John Farrell addressed it, Major League Baseball addressed it and the Cardinals addressed it.

"There's a rosin bag back there for a reason. That seems to be the best system for all."

Farrell said Lester "sweats like a pig" and, thus, is a regular purveyor of rosin. Lester echoed that, saying he always has sweated a lot and keeps a rosin bag in his glove between starts to lessen trips back to the bag between hitters so he can maintain his tempo.

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As for why there appeared to be a big green substance on his glove from the pictures, Lester agreed that was mysterious.

"I saw the picture and I don't know why that is," Lester said. "It looks like a giant booger almost. I don't know how that came about. The lighting, I don't know how that is."

This is the second time this season a Red Sox starter has been accused of cheating. During an early May start in Toronto, Blue Jays broadcaster Jack Morris accused Clay Buchholz of throwing a spitball during a game that Buchholz thoroughly dominated. Jays radio analyst Dirk Hayhurst also said Buchholz was cheating.

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Now, this with Lester.

"You can take it as something that bothers you, or you can take it as a compliment," Lester said. "Obviously, last night was not a night you wanted to use Vaseline. You want a grip on the ball. You don't want to throw it to the backstop."

Given the 50-degree temperatures for Game 1, there was every chance that a substance like Vaseline would have worsened Lester's control, not helped him.

"I know talking to our own hitters, they want to be sure that a pitcher has got a complete grip of the baseball," Farrell said. "Last night and in this series, there are pitchers on both sides that are going to be mid- to upper 90s-type velocity. If a hitter in the box has a little more comfort knowing the pitcher has a good grip, then maybe they're a little more at ease as well."

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As far as the "green booger" comment, I can confirm Lester does not have a bad cold -- because I asked him.

"I did last week," Lester said, chuckling. "I don't right now.

"I wish that was the explanation for that."

So chalk up another controversy to social media -- a controversy MLB immediately shot down and pretty much ignored Thursday.

"That's the negative side of social media," Lester said. "Twitter and Facebook have a lot of positives, communicating with people, charity, and then there's something like this where I'm standing in front of you guys talking."

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