The big baseball news of the week came off the field, when Mariners second baseman and eight-time All-Star Robinson Cano was suspended for 80 games due to violating the league's Joint Drug Agreement. As such, the hot take machines fired on all cylinders and we're likely left with what was a future Hall of Famer now being likely left out. 

Thursday, on the Michael Kay Show (radio), former Cano teammate Mark Teixeira said he wasn't surprised, either, which is an eyebrow-raising quote. Via the Associated Press: 

"Yeah, I don't really want to get into too much detail. I love Robbie, I'm just not surprised," said Teixeira. "I don't really want to go too much further. But I think a lot of people are kind of saying the same thing."

The two were teammates on the Yankees from 2009-13, so Teixeira was around Cano quite a bit. He also pointed out that Cano's assistant "was on the list for Biogenisis." One might recall the Biogenesis scandal is what took down Alex Rodriguez, Ryan Braun, Nelson Cruz and several others. 

Yikes. He "loves" him, but did him pretty dirty here. Saying things like not wanting "to get into too much detail" seems to indicate that he could go into deeper detail, too, you know? Like he knows a lot more than he's leading on. 

Not that Teixeira is the bad guy here. He is speaking his mind and he's not the one who got nailed for a masking agent. It's just pretty surprising to see that kind of a shot across the bow of someone he said he loves. The hunch is the feeling won't be mutual for long.