Just Thursday, White Sox catcher A.J. Pierzynski told our own Scott Miller to keep an eye on the Windy City Series between the Cubs and White Sox because "something crazy always happens."

Pierzynski was right.

First Paul Konerko had to leave Friday's game after being hit in the face by Cubs starter Jeff Samardzija, then after Samardzija had his turn at bat, White Sox starter Philip Humber threw at the Cubs' best hitter, Bryan LaHair. Cameras also showed Jake Peavy on the bench with an animated conversation with Pierzynski, perhaps begging him to throw at a Cubs batter. But that was nothing compared to this play in the sixth inning, when David DeJesus was called out after what appeared to be a double.

David DeJesus

Third base umpire Marty Foster, who had come over to make the call at second, first called DeJesus safe, but then called him out after Gordon Beckham's takedown. Cubs manager Dale Sveum came out to argue and was ejected. The Cubs announcers sounded incredulous, wondering if you can just tackle players and push them off the base now. Somewhere, I'm sure, Kent Hrbek is smiling at the thought.

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