Blue Jays third baseman Brett Lawrie made headlines for all the wrong reasons earlier this week, when he did this:

Considering the helmet was spiked and pretty clearly not intended to hit home plate umpire Bill Miller, Lawrie was only given a four-game suspension instead of a much steeper penalty. Still, I thought four games was pretty reasonable for this level of a temper tantrum, so I was surprised to hear he was appealing.

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Well, evidently either Lawrie or one of his bosses agrees, because the appeal is being dropped and Lawrie will begin his suspension Thursday night (according to all the Blue Jays writers, including Gregor Chisholm of

This means Lawrie will be back in action Monday, just in time for a seven-game road trip against the Rays and Rangers. It's probably not shocking the appeal was dropped in time to have him ready for that trip, huh?

With Lawrie out, the Blue Jays could use Jose Bautista at third, opening up an extra spot in the outfield for Ben Francisco or Rajai Davis (depending upon the 1B/DH situation). Omar Vizquel could also fill in at third, as could the newly-promoted Yan Gomes. And, of course, if the Jays want to give their fans a collective heart attack, Edwin could get a look at the hot corner.