Braves reliever Josh Outman said he has no structural damage in his shoulder after getting examined by doctors in Atlanta earlier this week. He is dealing with soreness in the clavicle area.

“Everything with my shoulder and arm are fine, it’s more up in my clavicle region," Outman said, per the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. "They checked my shoulder and that’s all good, structurally good, muscles are good. But I’m just not able to command a baseball the way I know I can and the velocity’s not there obviously. I’m giving everything I have and throwing 85 miles an hour, so I’d like to figure it out.”

Outman is now scheduled to seek a second opinion a specialist in St. Louis.

“I don’t know what the title is, and I don’t really care,” Outman said. “If he’s going to give me an answer and let me know what I need to do to be back to myself on the mound, I don’t care what he calls himself… The most important thing is to get right, because I hope to be an effective part of the bullpen for this team, and it’s obvious I wasn’t being effective.”