The most likely outcome of the two remaining big debates in Red Sox camp is for Ryan Lavarnway to go to the minor leagues and Daniel Bard to stay in the rotation, sources suggest.

There has been a sense around the game that new Red Sox manager Bobby Valentine disagreed with the front office over three important decisions, and the first one was settled today when the front office position prevailed and top shortstop prospect Jose Iglesias was sent to the minors. (For what it's worth Valentine said he had come around on Mike Aviles as the shortstop.)

Valentine is said by people on opposing teams who have heard the story that Valentine favors keeping Lavarnway and sending Bard to the pen, -- or at least he did as of a week ago. But Valentine has an uphill battle on both remaining debates. That doesn't mean he won't try.

Valentine disputed the repirt suggesting there is a rift with the front office. There does, however, appear to be healthy disagreements over key position battles.

Lavarnway "needs to play every day,'' one competing scout said, suggesting he envisioned little chance for Valentine to win that one. Valentine has been more complimentary of Bard as a starter lately but is known to be concerned about his pen. There are scouts who agree that bard should go to the pen, but they say they'd be surprised if the Red Sox abandoned their plan to have Bard begin the season as a starter. The other candidates for the final two rotation spots are Felix Doubront, Alfredo Aceves and Aaron Cook.

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