"I just ran out in the woods, whatever I could find take it home as a pet," West said, again stretching the boundaries of fact into pure fiction. "I had a pet raccoon once. No, I took my few field trips to the zoo, but like I said, I think we’re getting ready to go see some of the lions and gorillas, my own kind and hopefully we can have a nice bonding experience and they will accept me as the pack leader."

via Delonte West eats with lions at the zoo? - Dallas Mavericks Blog - ESPN Dallas.

That's Delonte West at the Dallas Zoo Monday. I'm not sure where to start. He had a pet raccoon, which could not have been healthy. I'm from Arkansas. Those things are basically rats with cool eyes.  How about calling the lions and gorillas his "own kind?"

No, sorry, the best part is saying he hopes he will be accepted a pack leader. That's the best part. Like it's an application process, and he's just trying to make the cut. As if it's a reality television show and the lions are judges.

Delonte West continues to be amazing.