Something tells me it won't create near the buzz as the Masked Mamba, but Hedo Turkoglu is looking to get a protective mask for his fractured cheekbone so that he can return to the floor for the postseason.

Turkoglu has been practicing, but only in non-contact drills.

"They said he could maybe start doing some contact at the end of the week," head coach Stan Van Gundy tells the Orlando Sentinel. "That's the start of the playoffs. So, at best, he gets cleared to play to start the playoffs with no games and no practice before then."

Turkoglu was injured when he took an inadvertant elbow from Carmelo Anthony in early April.

Jason Richardson has been starting for the Magic at small forward with J.J. Redick at shooting guard. Turkoglu's return likely won't make much of a difference for the Magic as without Dwight Howard, the team isn't expected to impact the postseason at all.

Turkoglu, 33, is averaging 10.7 points, 4.5 assists and 3.8 rebounds for the Magic this season.