A bizarre and scary sequence unfolded in the eighth inning of the Red Sox-Rays game. Second baseman Will Rhymes took a hard two-seamer from Franklin Morales flush on the forearm. The sound of ball on bone was distinct and almost nauseatingly loud, and Rhymes went down in a heap.

Still in obvious pain, Rhymes made his way to first base but soon signaled to the Tampa Bay dugout that he needed to be removed from the game. At that point, he began wobbling and then collapsed into the arms of first-base coach George Hendrick. He lost consciousness, and after he came to he was carted off the field of play. At that point, he appeared to be responsive and aware of his surroundings. Here's the frightening scene:

Rhymes injury

While it certainly seems unusual for a player to faint after being struck on the arm, intense pain can yield such a result.

X-rays on Rhymes's arm turned up negative, and he's listed as day-to-day with a forearm contusion. His fainting was the result of an adrenaline rush, which is obviously good news.

And then there's this tweet from Marc Topkin of the Tampa Bay Times, which is not to be missed:

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