The Giants vanquished the Padres on Tuesday night by the score of 9-3 (box score). As you can see, the margin wasn't particularly close, but the game was compelling for other reasons. First, San Fran starter Chris Heston didn't give up a hit until the sixth (you'll recall that the rookie Heston no-hit the Mets earlier this year). 

Then Melvin Upton Jr. broke up said no-hit bid and in doing so got his bat shard stuck in the netting. That necessitated some grounds-crew daredevilry (to make up a word) ... 

But wait! Let's rewind to the road half of that same frame, when Hector Sanchez launched a grand slam off Padres reliever Dale Thayer ...

Mr. Thayer seemed to take objection to Mr. Sanchez's bat-flip, so he -- i.e., Mr. Thayer -- threw his gum at the offending batsman ... 

So if the chewable treat wasn't meant to strike Mr. Sanchez, then it was at least thrown in his general direction with the indentifiable whiff of momentary contempt. iL'Affaire Hubba Bubba!

Anyhow, that brings us to the ninth, when Sanchez next came to the plate, this time against Shawn Kelley ... 


I get Thayer's heat-of-the-moment outburst, but I'm not sure why Kelley is still stewing three innings later over what seems to be nothing more than a bat-flip on a grand slam hit off a pitcher that wasn't himself. 

As ever, the sage advice is that if you don't like how hitters behave after clouting homers, then don't give up homers. 

These same two teams on Wednesday, folks.