Tigers outfielder Delmon Young, who was arrested for misdemeanor aggravated harassment in New York City early Friday morning, has issued a statement:
"I sincerely regret what happened last night. I apologize to everyone I affected, the Ilitch family, the Detroit Tigers’ organization, my teammates, my family, and the great Tigers’ fans that have supported me since day one. I take this matter very seriously and assure everyone that I will do everything I can to improve myself as a person and player.”
This being a legal matter of some importance, it's not surprising that, a, Young has hired an attorney, and, b, his attorney, one Dan Ollen, also has made a statement:
 "I represent Delmon Young with respect to the incident that occurred last night. With this matter now in the legal system, Delmon is unable to make any further statements or discuss this matter in further detail. All future press or investigative inquiries should be directed to me. Let me be clear, there are many false allegations regarding the actions of my client and I am confident that the legal process will separate fact from fiction and discredit these reports.”
As for the incident in question, the Associated Press reports that Young attacked a group of men while yelling anti-Semitic epithets.

From the AP:
Police say Young was standing outside of the Hilton New York, not far from Times Square. A group of about four Chicago tourists staying there were approached by a panhandler wearing a yarmulke. As the group walked up to the hotel doors, Young started yelling anti-Semitic epithets. Police say it's not clear who he was yelling at, but he got into a tussle with one of the Chicago group, who sustained scratches to his elbows.
Further, a New York Post report states that Young was "highly intoxicated" and had to go to the hospital to sober up before being moved to the jail.

CBSSports.com Insider Danny Knobler reports that the Tigers' flight from Detroit to New York last night was delayed because of inclement weather and that the team team spent roughly four hours on the plane. Although it's not known whether Young was drinking on the plane, alcohol was being served. Following the day game in Detroit, Young and the Tigers didn't arrive at their New York City hotel until around 10:30 p.m.

According to the AP, Young was released from custody less than an hour prior to Friday night's game against the Yankees and only after he posted $5,000 bail. If convicted, he could face up to a year in jail.

Young, 26, was once suspended for 50 games for throwing his bat at an umpire when in the minors (in 2006) and also bumped an umpire in 2005, but this appears to be the first time his temper has gotten him in trouble off the field -- at least publicly.

Young is hitting .242/.311/.333 with one home run and five RBI through 18 games for the Tigers this season. He was traded to Detroit from Minnesota last August.

The Tigers, who have lost six of seven after a 9-3 start, begin a three-game series against the Yankees in New York Friday night.

Earlier, the Tigers released the following statement:

"We are aware of the situation, however it is our club policy not to comment on pending legal matters. As we understand it, this is an allegation and we need to allow the legal process to take its course. It would be inappropriate for us to comment further at this time. Per a provision in the Major League Baseball Basic Agreement, any allegation that involves alcohol is referred to MLB's Employee Assistance Program."

Tony Aiello of WCBS-TV in New York has tweeted a picture (albeit a bit blurry) of Young leaving the precinct in handcuffs and heading to his arraignment.

Young is not in the lineup tonight against the Yankees, and Knobler also reports that the team has not yet decided on a course of action.

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