Luke Scott

Tampa Bay's Luke Scott hasn't had a hit in 39 at-bats, seven short of the record set last season by Eugenio Velez.

So how's he holding up? Maybe not as well as you'd like from someone who has a stockpile of weapons.

From Marc Topkin of the Tampa Bay Times, here's what Scott said about his slump:

"I have sleepless nights, lots of sleepless nights,'' Scott said. "It's brought me to tears, it really has. It's something that really weighs heavily on my heart every single day. Every single day I wake up, I have this burden on my heart and I have this heaviness. I get on my knees every single day and I pray, I ask the good Lord to help me, to help me come through this. That's where my trust is. I have peace knowing I've done everything I can humanly possibly do to be in a position to be successful. There's no doubt about that, I've done everything and I'll continue to do that. That's the only thing I can do. Does it weigh heavy on my heart? Oh my gosh. I'd say if I wasn't a Christian man, I'd be an alcoholic or something - this is something that would have driven me to drink.''

And that was before Thursday's 0-for-3 performance.

Scott, who was on the disabled list for three weeks last month with a back injury, hasn't had a hit since a first-inning two-run single off of Baltimore's Wei-Yin Chen on June 1.

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