The Tigers could undergo a number of changes during the offseason, according to the Detroit Free Press’ John Lowe and George Sipple.

Lowe and Sipple note that many Tigers are unsigned after this season, and could move to another team in free agency. There are questions about manager Jim Leyland, who could be on the hot seat if the club fails to make the playoffs. Closer Jose Valverde is eligible for free agency, and just signed Scott Boras to represent him this winter. Catcher Gerald Laird and outfielder Delmon Young are also set to be free agents.

It’s tough to find a role for Young on next year’s roster. With Victor Martinez returning, the Tigers will have someone to fill the DH spot, making Young expendable. 

Brennan Boesch could be a potential trade candidate. He’s not eligible for free agency, but he’s been losing playing time recently. He could be beat out by some of the Tigers’ younger players.

The team also holds a $6-million option on shortstop Jhonny Peralta. Lowe and Sipple argue that they aren’t likely to find a better player at that price, and should probably keep him. 

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