The Pirates will likely seek a catcher and a starting pitcher this offseason, according to Rob Biertempfel of the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

The team recently declined a $3.5 million option on Rod Barajas, making Michael McKenry the only catcher currently on their roster. Biertempfel suggests that general manager Neal Huntington could deal closer Joel Hanrahan for help at the position. But if the team decides to bring in a catcher via free agency, they aren’t expected to spend a lot of money. Biertempfel names Gerald Laird, A.J. Pierzynski, Yorvit Torrealba, Kelly Shoppach and Humberto Quintero as possible options. 

While the team will also look for a starting pitcher, they aren’t going to seek an ace. As currently constructed, only A.J. Burnett, Wandy Rodriguez and James McDonald seem like locks to be in the Pirates' rotation next season. The team might not bring back Kevin Correia, who is a free agent, and Jeff Karstens will likely have to compete for a spot. The club also has rookies Jeff Locke and Kyle McPherson, who could challenge for spots. Biertempfel names Kevin Millwood, Tim Stauffer, Chris Young, Carlos Villanueva, Jeff Francis and Jeremy Guthrie as cheap options the team might consider. 

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