The Marlins are telling teams that they're going to hold on to pitcher Josh Johnson, wrote ESPN's Jayson Stark.

  • Johnson walked a season-high six batters on Sunday -- he'd walked six batters in his previous five starts combined -- in front of, reportedly, 15 different scouts. He ended up with a no-decision after throwing five innings, and allowing one earned run and two hits, in a game the Marlins won 5-4.

  • In other news from Stark's column, he wrote that the Padres, unable to get what they're asking for in return for Chase Headley, are telling teams that they're going to keep Headley, unless the market changes dramatically over the next 24 hours.

  • Another team in a holding pattern: the Indians, who don't expect to move Justin Masterson or Shin-Soo Choo.

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