First, know that when the subject is Vicente Padilla and his menacing ways, there's no way I'm not going to use this picture ...

Vicente Padilla

You'll recall that Yankees first baseman Mark Teixeira, in the afterglow of hitting a clutch triple off Padilla on Friday, had some pointed words for the Boston right-hander with whom he has long sparred.

Now, reports NESN's Didier Morals, Padilla has fired his own salvo. Two particularly provocative quotes bear mentioning. First, there's this one from Padilla:

"The problem is he [Teixeira] talks about all the wrong things that others have done, but the things he's done -- against the Latinos [on the Rangers] -- he doesn't open his mouth about. He once threatened me and said he was going to hit me with a bat, and that's when we were playing on the same team."

Whoa. A bat. And then:

"In this sport, as competitive ball players, we get pretty fired up. So I think, maybe, [Teixeira] picked the wrong profession. I think he'd be better off playing a women's sport."

Shots fired!

Ignore, if you can, the gratuitous and ignorant shot at "women's sport[s]" (pretty sure that, to cite but a few examples, Serena Williams and Gina Carano and Misty May-Treanor and Stephanie Rice and Lolo Jones are all better athletes than Padilla) and instead celebrate what's the latest installment of the pleasingly juvenile Red Sox-Yankees feud.

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