This seems like a pretty fitting end to the circus that was the Marlins' first half of the 2012 season. Heath Bell blew a save, the Marlins lost a game that they pretty easily should have won, Hanley Ramirez injured himself by punching something in anger and Ozzie Guillen responds by ripping Ramirez.

Again, it's pretty fitting for the very talented yet, let's go with "colorful," baseball team.

The Ramirez incident stemmed from a groundout in the sixth inning Sunday. He was angry and punched a cooling fan in the dugout. It ended up slicing open his knuckles and requiring two stitches. He isn't expected to miss any time, but that isn't the point. Here's Guillen, via Fish Tank blog:

“Very stupid injury. Very immature. You’re going to hurt yourself because you can’t hit? Good hitters don’t do that. Good hitters battle back and try to get better.”

He wasn't finished going off:

“I know he got some stitches but I don’t pay attention to stupidity. That made me mad. That’s very, I don’t say very unprofessional but very childish. We’re not kids. We’re grown-up people. When you struggle and you are a great player you have to come back and try to better and not just hurt the ball club." (Fish Tank)

“We built this ball club around him. I keep saying this is the main (piece) of this ball club and I never criticize Hanley Ramirez for not having the season we thought he was going to have, but I will criticize him for doing what he did because he hurt the ball club.” (Fish Tank)

Ramirez, 28, is having his second straight disppointing season after three straight All-Star appearances. It's almost tough to remember that he was one of the best all-around players in baseball back in 2009.

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