Derek Lowe has been designated for assignment, and Mike Olt is getting the call.

  • Derek Lowe has been designated for assignment by the Indians. After a strong start with the team, Lowe has been horrific lately. Since May 26, Lowe has an 8.80 ERA. 
  • It’s doubtful that the Yankees will go after Lowe, tweeted WFAN’s Sweeny Murti. 
  • The Nationals could be a fit for Lowe, according to ESPN’s Buster Olney. Not only do the Nationals need pitching once they shut down Strasburg, but Lowe’s agent is Scott Boras. Unlike many other teams, the Nationals have a very good relationship with Boras. 
  • The Rangers have called up third baseman Mike Olt. Olt is more likely to play first base or DH this season, according to the Dallas Morning News’ Evan Grant.
  • The Orioles talked to the Mariners about Kevin Millwood before the trade deadline, according to’s Ken Rosenthal. They also spoke to the Royals about a trade for Luke Hochevar and Jonathan Broxton. Rosenthal suggested a young starter, perhaps Jake Arrieta, could have been in play for Hochevar and Broxton. 
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