Josh Collmenter has won a spot in Arizona's rotation, tweets Jack Magruder of FOXSports Arizona. This comes to pass despite speculation that top prospect Trevor Bauer, on the strength of impressive spring numbers and glowing scouting reports, would force his way into the starting five despite having pitched just 25.2 regular-season innings as a pro.  

Collmenter, meanwhile, has battled forearm tightness this spring, and his Cactus-League numbers have been roundly discouraging. Nonetheless, Collmenter will be the Snakes' fifth man to start the year, and Bauer will almost certainly be sent to the minors.

A wise decision? Quite possibly. Collmenter enjoyed a quality season in 2011, but at times it seemed hard to believe. With fly-ball tendencies, a fastball that averaged just 87 mph and a low K rate, Collmenter isn't going to wow observers like Bauer does. Yet the results were there, thanks in large part to a knack for keeping the ball in the park and a funky delivery that keeps hitters off-balance.

What might hurt the fly-balling Collmenter in 2012 is that what was an excellent outfield defense will be somewhat compromised by giving Jason Kubel regular duty. If manager Kirk Gibson is willing to give Gold Glover Gerardo Parra spot duty when Collmenter is on the bump, then Arizona -- and the pitcher in question -- will benefit. 

The D-backs fifth starter will get three starts in April, and while that hardly makes for a meaningful sample, it will give some insight as to whether Collmenter is healthy and whether NL hitters have adjusted to his unusual delivery. Sure, it's always compelling to give the job to the 21-year-old with the lofty upside, but the Snakes have made a perfectly defensible decision in giving the early nod to Collmenter. Besides, Bauer (and fellow five-star pitching prospect Tyler Skaggs) will be ready soon enough.