With the score tied 4-4, the Padres had runners on first and second with no one out in the top of the ninth inning Sunday afternoon against the Dodgers. Jesus Guzman stepped to the plate and attempted to bunt. Javy Guerra's pitch went directly at Guzman, who basically shielded himself with his bat. From there, the Padres' chances at scoring unraveled.

The pitch hit the bat and ended up in fair territory. Home plate umpire Dale Scott threw both hands in the air as if to call it a dead ball, but the Dodgers played it out. Catcher A.J. Ellis picked up the ball, threw it to third and the Dodgers completed an around-the-horn (2-5-6-3) triple play. [MLB.com has the video, though we can't embed it here. So just watch it there and come back!]

While it was happening, Guzman and the two Padres' baserunners were holding their hands in the air, mimicking Scott's motion that looked like a foul-ball or dead-ball call. Padres manager Bud Black came out to protest the call and, after conferring with the other umpires, Scott left the call as it was: A triple play. Black argued to the point of being ejected afterward.

To rub salt in the wound, the Dodgers then scored in the bottom of the ninth to win the game, 5-4. So the Padres are now 2-8.

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