Red sox right-hander Aaron Cook's day is already over (2.2 IP, 8 H, 7 R, 0 K, 1 BB, 1 HR), but in one very graphic way it's surprising it lasted as long as it did.

In the second inning, Chris Davis of the Orioles raced home on a passed ball, and Cook hustled to cover home. Davis slid feet-first, unintentionally spiked Cook and left Cook's leg looking like this:

Aaron Cook's injury

(Shudder.) That looks like it hurts to the point of inducing a 30-second string of profanities on the part of the afflicted.

Of course, Aaron Cook, being a professional athlete and all, presumably has a fairly high pain threshhold (he barely reacted at all to the collision), and indeed Cook was able to walk off the field, receive quick treatment in the clubhouse, and return in short order to record the final out of the inning. Cook's start turned out to be a brutal one but not for a lack of will or effort or permanent scarring.

In any event, somewhere in the bowels of Fenway there lives a second, decidedly less famous bloody sock.

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