Hope Solo has been suspended for 30 days by U.S. Soccer. (USA Today)

U.S. Soccer goalkeeper Hope Solo has been sent home and suspended for 30 days. U.S. Soccer made the announcement on Wednesday.

Solo was suspended due to her involvement in her husband's recent DUI arrest. Solo's husband, Jerramy Stevens, was pulled over early Monday morning, and arrested for driving under the influence. While Solo was not charged in the incident, U.S. Soccer felt she employed poor judgement staying out late and getting into a car with an impaired driver. 

"Hope made a poor decision that has resulted in a negative impact on U.S. Soccer and her teammates," Coach Jill Ellis said. "We feel at this time it is best for her to step away from the team."

Solo will not accompany the team to Europe in February. Following the suspension, Ellis will meet with U.S. Soccer to determine whether Solo should be reinstated. 

The news comes just a week after Solo had domestic violence charges against her dismissed.