Player Stats - Scoring

Player on team
Games played
Games started
Minutes Per Game
Points Per Game
Field Goals Made
Field Goals Attempted
Field Goal Percentage
Three-Point Field Goals Made
Three-Point Field Goals Attempted
Three-Point Field Goal Percentage
Free Throws Made
Free Throws Attempted
Free Throw Percentage
L. Wrightsell Jr. G Latrell Wrightsell Jr. G 31 12 23.7 8.9 91 204 44.6 68 152 44.7 27 27 100.0
K. Spears G Kai Spears G 11 0 1.5 1.2 2 5 40.0 1 2 50.0 8 8 100.0
M. Scharnowski F Max Scharnowski F 12 0 1.6 0.6 3 3 100.0 0 0 1 1 100.0
M. Sears G Mark Sears G 37 37 33.6 21.5 252 496 50.8 95 218 43.6 198 231 85.7
A. Estrada G Aaron Estrada G 37 37 30.8 13.3 196 437 44.9 50 160 31.3 50 59 84.7
S. Walters F Sam Walters F 37 0 12.2 5.4 64 151 42.4 39 99 39.4 33 40 82.5
G. Nelson F Grant Nelson F 37 37 25.5 11.9 144 295 48.8 30 110 27.3 122 150 81.3
R. Griffen G Rylan Griffen G 36 33 26.3 11.2 132 291 45.4 74 189 39.2 64 79 81.0
M. Wague F Mohamed Wague F 33 8 8.4 3.1 37 58 63.8 1 2 50.0 27 36 75.0
D. Cosby G Davin Cosby G 22 0 7.8 3.6 26 71 36.6 22 64 34.4 5 7 71.4
J. Stevenson F Jarin Stevenson F 37 5 16.5 5.3 67 159 42.1 32 101 31.7 31 45 68.9
N. Pringle F Nick Pringle F 34 16 18.4 6.8 86 138 62.3 0 0 60 108 55.6
M. Dioubate F Mouhamed Dioubate F 33 0 7.7 2.9 36 76 47.4 1 11 9.1 24 51 47.1
Team 37 90.1 1136 2384 47.7 413 1108 37.3 650 842 77.2
Opponents 37 81.2 1028 2349 43.8 277 873 31.7 673 912 73.8

Player Stats - Defense

Player on team
Games played
Games started
Offensive Rebounds
Defensive Rebounds
Total Rebounds
Rebounds Per Game
Total Steals
Steals Per Game
Total Blocks
Blocks Per Game
G. Nelson F Grant Nelson F 37 37 59 158 217 5.9 23 0.60 62 1.70
A. Estrada G Aaron Estrada G 37 37 60 140 200 5.4 59 1.60 6 0.20
N. Pringle F Nick Pringle F 34 16 74 101 175 5.1 11 0.30 21 0.60
M. Sears G Mark Sears G 37 37 32 123 155 4.2 60 1.60 4 0.10
R. Griffen G Rylan Griffen G 36 33 33 88 121 3.4 19 0.50 8 0.20
L. Wrightsell Jr. G Latrell Wrightsell Jr. G 31 12 22 70 92 3.0 34 1.10 2 0.10
J. Stevenson F Jarin Stevenson F 37 5 23 75 98 2.6 8 0.20 13 0.40
M. Wague F Mohamed Wague F 33 8 43 39 82 2.5 18 0.50 16 0.50
S. Walters F Sam Walters F 37 0 19 69 88 2.4 8 0.20 9 0.20
M. Dioubate F Mouhamed Dioubate F 33 0 34 45 79 2.4 10 0.30 16 0.50
D. Cosby G Davin Cosby G 22 0 2 17 19 0.9 6 0.30 1 0.00
K. Spears G Kai Spears G 11 0 2 1 3 0.3 0 0.00 0 0.00
M. Scharnowski F Max Scharnowski F 12 0 4 0 4 0.3 0 0.00 1 0.10
Team 37 471 995 1599 43.2 256 6.90 159 4.30
Opponents 37 448 878 1460 39.5 273 7.40 162 4.40

Player Stats - Assists/Turnovers

Player on team
Games played
Games started
Total Assists
Assists Per Game
Turnovers Per Game
Assists Per Turnover
A. Estrada G Aaron Estrada G 37 37 170 4.6 84 2.3 2.0
M. Sears G Mark Sears G 37 37 148 4.0 90 2.4 1.6
R. Griffen G Rylan Griffen G 36 33 67 1.9 52 1.4 1.3
G. Nelson F Grant Nelson F 37 37 56 1.5 51 1.4 1.1
L. Wrightsell Jr. G Latrell Wrightsell Jr. G 31 12 42 1.4 19 0.6 2.2
N. Pringle F Nick Pringle F 34 16 23 0.7 34 1.0 0.7
M. Wague F Mohamed Wague F 33 8 19 0.6 24 0.7 0.8
D. Cosby G Davin Cosby G 22 0 10 0.5 8 0.4 1.3
S. Walters F Sam Walters F 37 0 15 0.4 17 0.5 0.9
J. Stevenson F Jarin Stevenson F 37 5 16 0.4 34 0.9 0.5
M. Dioubate F Mouhamed Dioubate F 33 0 14 0.4 13 0.4 1.1
K. Spears G Kai Spears G 11 0 1 0.1 2 0.2 0.5
M. Scharnowski F Max Scharnowski F 12 0 1 0.1 1 0.1 1.0
Team 37 582 15.7 438 11.8 1.3
Opponents 37 472 12.8 418 11.3 1.1
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